Moments Monday: Family


Happy post Thanksgiving weekend!  How is your first day back from a 4 (or 5) day overboard holiday? Did you eat too much? Drink too much? Celebrate and commiserate? Spend a lot of time with family? Spend time with a lot of family?  Much like a wedding, Thanksgiving is an holiday weekend which circumvents around food and spending time with friends and familial generations. In fact,  weddings all lead to the blending, creating, growing and in-lawing of families. 

Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit another city.
— George Burns

Click here for more on this Winery Wedding

Photographer:  Mary Jane Photography  //  Wedding Location: Crossroads Estate // Wedding Planner: La Fete // Floral Design: Cody Floral Design


Music Monday with Motown


Rustic Periwinkle Wedding Inspiration by Genesa Richards